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Free Crocheted Teddy Bear Amigurumi Pattern

  • Tighten the opening, hide the thread inside the piece.


  • Using beige yarn:
  • Stuff firmly as you crochet.
  1. 6 sc in MR (6)
  2. 6 inc (12)
  3. (1 sc, inc)*6 (18)
  4. 1 sc, inc, (2 sc, inc)*5, 1 sc (24)
  5. (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
  6. 2 sc, inc, (4 sc, inc)*5, 2 sc (36)
  7. (5 sc, inc)*6 (42)
  8. 3 sc, inc, (6 sc, inc)*5, 3 sc (48)
    9-16. 48 sc (8 rounds)
  9. 12 sc, 12 dec, 12 sc (36)
    18-19. 36 sc (2 rounds)
  10. 2 sc, dec, (4 sc, dec)*5, 2 sc (30)
    21-22. 30 sc (2 rounds)
  11. (3 sc, dec)*6 (24)
    24-25. 24 sc (2 rounds)
  • Cut the yarn, leaving a long tail for sewing.

Legs (2 pieces)

  • Start with light pink yarn:
  • Chain 6, crochet along both sides of the chain, forming an oval. Start from the second chain from the hook.
  1. 4 sc, 3 sc in the last stitch, turn, on the other side of the chain: 3 sc, inc (12)
  2. inc, 3 sc, 3 inc, 3 sc, 2 inc (18)
  3. 1 sc, inc, 3 sc, (1 sc, inc)3, 3 sc, (1 sc, inc)2 (24)
  4. 2 sc, inc, 3 sc, (2 sc, inc)3, 3 sc, (2 sc, inc)2 (30)
  • Switch to beige yarn.
  1. 30 sc in back loops only
    6-7. 30 sc (2 rounds)
  2. 4 sc, dec, (1 sc, dec)*5, 9 sc (24)
  3. 24 sc
  4. 4 sc, dec, 1 sc, 4 dec, 1 sc, dec, 6 sc (18)
  5. (1 sc, dec)*6 (12)
  • Stuff firmly.
    12-19. 12 sc (8 rounds)
  1. 6 dec (6)
  • Do not stuff the upper part of the leg. Tighten the opening, hide the thread inside the piece.


  • Crochet in rows with bright pink yarn:
  • Chain 15.
  1. ch 1, 15 sc
    2-5. Crochet in back loops only, ch 1, 15 sc
  • Secure and cut the yarn.
  • Wrap the bow with brown yarn and sew it to the body.

Assembly and Finishing:

  1. Sew the muzzle between rounds 13 and 29, stuffing as you go.
  2. Create eye indentations. Mark points 1 and 2 between rounds 13 and 14, 6 sc apart, and points 3 and 4 between rounds 14 and 15, directly below points 1 and 2. Insert the needle into the head, secure the thread, and bring it out at point 1, then insert it at point 3 and bring it out at point 2, tightening the thread. Repeat this motion 2-3 times, secure the thread, cut it, and hide it inside the head.
  3. Embroider the face. Use milk-colored yarn to embroider the whites of the eyes, beige yarn for the eyelids, and brown yarn for the nose, eyebrows, and mouth line.
  4. Sew the cheeks between rounds 15 and 19, 4 sc away from the muzzle.
  5. Sew on the ears. First, fold each piece in half and secure it with a stitch, then sew the ears to the head at the level of the 8th round.
  6. Sew the head to the body. Stuff the neck as you sew to ensure the head doesn’t wobble under its own weight.
  7. Attach the legs with buttons. Insert the needle between rounds 9 and 10 of the body, leaving a short tail, and bring it out on the opposite side at the same level. Then, insert the needle into the leg between rounds 9 and 10, securing the button. Now, insert the needle back into the body at the same point where the thread came out, and bring it out at the initial point on the opposite side of the body. Take the tail you left at the beginning, pull it tight, and tie a firm knot. Repeat the same procedure for the second leg.
  8. Attach the arms in the same way. Insert the needle into the body between rounds 21 and 22, and into the arm between rounds 14 and 15.
  9. Embroider the mouth line.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Carolyn Jeffers

    The little bears are just so adorable, every color is so cute.

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