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Free amigurumi plush bunny pattern

Legs and body

Legs (make 2)
R 1: 6 sc in mc (6)
R 2: (inc) * 6 (12)
R 3-8: 12 sc (6 rows)

Don’t cut the yarn when you’ll finish the second leg!

From the second leg: 3 ch, join with the first leg, put a stitch marker.
Continue crocheting the body in the round:
R 9: 12 sc on the 1st leg, 3 inc in 3 ch, 12 sc on the 2nd leg, 3 inc in 3 ch (opposite side) (36)
Stuff as you go.
R 10-15: 36 sc (6 rows)
R 16: (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30)
R 17: 30 sc
R 18: (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24)
R 19: 24 sc
R 20: (2 sc, dec) * 6 (18)
R 21: 18 sc

Arms (make 2)
R 1: 9 sc in mc (9)
R 2-8: 9 sc (7 rows)
Stuff with fiberfill.
Fold top of the arm flat and sc through both sides across

R 1: 6 sc in mc (6)
R 2: (inc) * 6 (12)
R 3-4: 12 sc (2 rows)
R 5: (dec) * 6 (6)

Designed and photos by Julia Musatova
Instagram: @julia__musatova


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