You are currently viewing Free hamster and donut amigurumi pattern

Free hamster and donut amigurumi pattern

Fold in half and crochet 3 sc through both layers. Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing. Attach between rows 16 and 17.

Legs (make 2):

  1. 6 sc in MR
  2. 6 inc (12)
    3-4. 12 sc
  3. (1 sc, dec) x 4 (8)

Fold in half and crochet 4 sc through both layers. Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing. Attach between rows 27 and 28.


  1. 6 sc in MR
  2. 6 sc
  3. 3 dec (3)

Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing. Attach in the middle of the 23rd row.


Chain 48 and join to form a circle.

  1. 48 sc
  2. (2 sc, inc) x 16 (64)
  3. (3 sc, inc) x 16 (80)
    4-5. 80 sc
    Change color
  4. 80 sc in back loops only
  5. 80 sc
  6. (3 sc, dec) x 16 (64)
  7. (2 sc, dec) x 16 (48)
  8. 48 sc

Cut, leaving a tail for sewing. Sew both sides of the donut together, stuffing gradually.

Your delightful crocheted hamster is ready! Please tag the author in social media @lapochkatoys.

Author: Viktoria Loginova


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