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Free Crochet Patterns Tutorials | Amigurumi Little Cute Elephant

In the next column, we run double crochet with a common top (marigold), and we collect the columns in white, and knit them in gray.

In the next column, we knit 1 sc and again begin to untie the nail in the same way:

Thus, we knit 3 marigolds, and from the inside we pass the strings inside the columns. At the end of the 8th row, cut the white thread.

9-10 pp: 36 sc (36)

11 pp.: 11 sc, (dec, 1 sc) * 4, dec, 11 sc (31)

We put the insole.

12 p.: 2 sc, dec, 23 sc, dec, 1 sc (we do not knit 1 loop of a row, we knit the next row with the next loop. This is to ensure that the decrease with which the next row starts is located clearly in the middle of the back side of the leg)

13 p.: Dec, 27 sc (28)

14 p.: 28 sc (28)

15 pp.: 3 sc, inc, (6 sc, inc) * 3, 3 sc (32)

16-17rr. (2 rows): 32 sc (32)

18 pp.: 13 sc, 6 HDC, 13 sc (32)

19 pp.: 32 sc (32)

20 pp.: 2 sc, inc, 9 sc, dec, 4 sc, dec, 9 sc, inc, 2 sc (32)

21 pp.: 7 sc, dec, 14 sc, dec, 7 sc (30)

22 pp.: Dec, 5 sc, 3CH, 3 loops to skip, 5 sc, dec, 13 sc (28)

23 pp.: 1 sc, dec, 3 sc, 3 sc in a chain, 3 sc, dec, 4 sc, (dec, 3 sc) * 2 (24)

Insert the joint into the hole formed.

24 pp.: 1 sc, dec, (2 sc, dec) * 5, 1 sc (18)

25 pp.: (Dec, 1 sc) * 6 (12)

26 p.: 6 dec (6)

Pull off the remaining hole. Hide the end of the thread inside the legs.

Embroider the knee in black.


We knit the left leg similarly to the right one on the 22nd row.

22 pp.: 13 sc, dec, 5 sc, 3CH, 3 min skip, 5 sc, dec (28)

23 pp.: (3 sc, dec) * 2, 4 sc, dec, 3 sc, 3 sc in a chain, 3 sc, dec, 1 sc (24)

 Insert the joint into the hole formed.

24 pp.: 1 sc, dec, (2 sc, dec) * 5, 1 sc (18)

25 pp.: (Dec, 1 sc) * 6 (12)

26 p.: 6 dec (6)

Pull off the remaining hole. Hide the end of the thread inside the legs.



A marker at the beginning of the row runs in the middle of the back.

1 pp.: 2 CH, in the 2nd loop from the hook: 6 sc (6)

2 pp.: 6 inc (12)

3 pp.: (1 sc, inc) * 6 (18)

4 pp .: (inc, 2 sc) * 6 (24)

5 pp.: (3 sc, inc) * 6 (30)

6 pp .: 2 sc, inc, (4 sc, inc) * 5, 2 sc (36)

7 pp.: (5 sc, inc) * 6 (42)

8 pp.: 3 sc, inc, (6 sc, inc) * 5, 3 sc (48)

9 pp.: (7 sc, inc) * 6 (54)

10 pp.: 4 sc, inc, (8 sc, inc) * 5, 4 sc (60)

11 pp.: (9 sc, inc) * 6 (66)

12 p .: 5 sc, inc, 6 sc, 3CH, 3 loops to skip, 1 sc, inc, (10 sc, inc) * 3, 1 sc, 3CH, 3 loops to skip, 6 sc, inc, 5 sc (72)

13 pp.: 13 sc, 3 sc in the chain, 40 sc, 3 sc in the chain, 13 sc (72)

14-20rr. (7 rows): 72 sc (72)

21 pp.: 7 sc, dec, 54 sc, dec, 7 sc (70)

22 p.: (12 sc, dec) * 2, 14 sc, (dec, 12 sc) * 2 (66)

23 pp.: (3 sc, dec) * 2, 46 sc, (dec, 3 sc) * 2 (62)

24 pp.: 16 sc, dec, 7 sc, dec, 8 sc, dec, 7 sc, dec, 16 sc (58)

25-26rr. (2 rows): 58 sc (58)

27 pp.: 19 sc, (dec, 4 sc) * 3, dec, 19 sc (54)

28-32rr. (5 rows): 54 sc (54)

We insert the legs into the holes tied in 12-13 rows. Snap joints.

33 p.: (7 sc, dec) * 6 (48)

34 pp .: 48 sc (48)

35 pp.: 3 sc, dec, (6 sc, dec) * 5, 3 sc (42)

36 p.: 42 sc (42)

Stepping back 12 loops to the right and left of the marker, insert the handles in the area between the 31st and 32nd rows. We fix the cotter pins.

37 pp.: (5 sc, dec) * 6 (36)

38 pp.: 36 sc (36)

39 pp .: 2 sc, dec, (4 sc, dec) * 5, 2 sc (30)

40 pp.: (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24)

41 p.: 1 sc, dec, (2 sc, dec) * 5, 1 sc (18)

We insert the joint to connect with the head.

42 p.: (1 sc, dec) * 6 (12)

43 pp.: 6 dec (6)



The marker passes through the center of the head. This part is knitted from the bottom up.

1 pp.: 12 CH close in a circle (12)

2p.: (1 sc, inc) * 6 (18)

3 pp .: (inc, 2 sc) * 6 (24)

4 pp.: (3 sc, inc) * 6 (30)

5 pp .: 2 sc, inc, (4 sc, inc) * 5, 2 sc (36)

6 pp.: (5 sc, inc) * 6 (42)

7 pp.: 3 sc, inc, (6 sc, inc) * 5, 3 sc (48)

8 pp.: (7 sc, inc) * 6 (54)

9 pp.: 4 sc, inc, (8 sc, inc) * 5, 4 sc (60)

10 pp.: (9 sc, inc) * 6 (66)

11 pp .: 5 sc, inc, (10 sc, inc) * 5, 5 sc (72)

12 p.: (11 sc, inc) * 6 (78)

13 pp.: 6 sc, inc, (12 sc, inc) * 5, 6 sc (84)

14-19rr. (6 rows): 84 sc (84)

20 pp.: 23 sc, (dec, 2 sc) * 3, dec, 10 sc, dec, (2 sc, dec) * 3, 23 sc (76)

21 pp .: 76 sc (76)

22 pp.: 19 sc, (dec, 2 sc) * 3, dec, 10 sc, dec, (2 sc, dec) * 3, 19 sc (68)

23 pp.: 68 sc (68)

24 pp.: 15 sc, (dec, 2 sc) * 3, dec, 10 sc, dec, (2 sc, dec) * 3, 15 sc (60)

25-32rr. (8 rows): 60 sc (60)

33 pp.: 4 sc, dec, (8 sc, dec) * 5, 4 sc (54)

Connect the head to the body by snapping the joint.

34 p.: (7 sc, dec) * 6 (48)

35 pp.: 3 sc, dec, (6 sc, dec) * 5, 3 sc (42)

36 p.: (5 sc, dec) * 6 (36)

37 pp.: 2 sc, dec, (4 sc, dec) * 5, 2 sc (30)

38 pp.: (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24)

39 pp.: 1 sc, dec, (2 sc, dec) * 5, 1 sc (18)

40 p.: (1 sc, dec) * 6 (12)

41 p.: 6 dec (6)

Fasten the thread, cut. Pull the remaining hole, hide the end of the thread inside the head.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Linda Sorensen

    What an amazing resource. Thank you

    1. Melvina Robert

      Thank you so much for sharing, elephants are my favorite animal Karma, love, happiness and all the good things they represent. My only daughter is pregnant and she will be having a baby girl in November, this is the best thing l can attempt to make for my grandchild, if l can’t do it then l will pay someone means a lot to me as l am not a well person. Thank you again and God Bless.

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