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Free amigurumi honey bee pattern

Sew the head to the body. Stuff the neck well.

Make eye tightening.
Embroider eye whites with white yarn, eyelashes with black floss.
Embroider a nose between R 17 and R 18 with black yarn 3 sc wide.
Embroider eyebrows between R 9 and R 10 in 2-3 sc.
Embroider a smile between R 19 and R 20 in 6 sc wide, fix the smile in the center between R 20 and R 21 with some stitches.

Tint the cheeks with pink pastel crayon.

Antennae (make 2)
With black yarn:
R 1: 6 sc in mc (6)
R 2: (inc)*6 (12)
R 3-4: 12 sc (2 rows)
R 5: (dec)*6 (6)
Stuff with fiberfill.
R 6-9: 6 sc (4 rows)
F.o. and leave a long tail for sewing.

Sew the antennae on the head between R 4 and R 5.}

Arms (make 2)
With yellow yarn:
R 1: 6 sc in mc (6)
R 2: (inc)*6 (12)
R 3-4: 12 sc (2 rows)
R 5: 3 hdc in one st, 11 sc (12)
R 6: 12 sc
R 7: (1 sc, dec)*4 (8)
Stuff gently the bottom part of the arm.
R 8-19: 8 sc (12 rows)
Stuff the arm till R 11.
Fold top of arm flat and 4 sc through both sides across.
F.o. and leave a long tail for sewing.

Sew the arms to the body between R 29 and R 30.

Legs (make 2)
With black yarn:
R 1: 6 sc in mc (6)
R 2: (inc)*6 (12)
R 3: (1 sc, inc)*6 (18)
R 4: 18 sc
R 5: 5 sc, 4 dec, 5 sc (14)
R 6: 5 sc, 2 dec, 5 sc (12)
R 7: 5 sc, dec, 5 sc (10)
R 8-16: 10 sc (9 rows)
Stuff the leg till R 10.
Crochet additional 2 sc.
Fold top of leg flat and 5 sc through both sides across.
F.o. and leave a long tail for sewing.

Sew the legs to the body between R 10 and R 11.

Wings (make 2)
With white yarn:
R 1: 6 sc in mc (6)
R 2: (inc)*6 (12)
R 3: (1 sc, inc)*6 (18)
R 4: 1 sc, inc, (2 sc, inc)*5, 1 sc (24)
R 5: (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
R 6-8: 30 sc (3 rows)
R 9: (3 sc, dec)*6 (24)
R 10-12: 24 sc (3 rows)
R 13: 1 sc, dec, (2 sc, dec)*5, 1 sc (18)
R 14-16: 18 sc (3 rows)
R 17: (1 sc, dec)*6 (12)
R 18-19: 12 sc (2 rows)
Don’t stuff.
Fold top of wing flat and 6 sc through both sides across.
F.o. and leave a long tail for sewing.

Sew the wings to the body between R 29 and R 30: two stitches of the wing are above the two stitches of the sewn arms.
To make the wings more flat fix them with some stitches to the center of the body from the inner part of the wings.

Here is the FREE crochet for a beautiful chamomile spring flower.

Designed and photos by
Translated by Amiguroom Toys

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