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Bunny Dress free pattern

Difficulty level: medium

According to this description, you can crochet a dress for a plush toy. Any yarn with a length of about 133 m / 50 g is suitable for amigurumi. The author recommends Magic Baby Joy yarn. The dress is removable, fastened at the front with buttons. Decorated with a ribbon belt.

The dress is suitable for a toy about 33-34 cm tall.

Materials and tools:

Yarn Magic Baby Joy (133 m / 50 g)
Hook 2.5 mm


ch — chain stitch
dc — double crochet
hdc — half double crochet
raglan — in 1 stitch (2 hdc, ch, 2 hdc)
inc — increase
(…) x n – repeat n times

Description of crocheting amigurumi dress for a plush toy:

IMPORTANT!!! Since the density of crocheting, yarn, and hook size differ for everyone, periodically try on the jacket to see where increases are needed and where they are not.

Chain 36 ch. You will chain the number of stitches necessary for your toy. Subtract 6 stitches from the resulting number. 4 stitches go to the corners of the square where the raglan will be, 2 stitches at the beginning of crocheting. The remaining 30 ch are distributed to the shoulders, back, and belly.

Then we crochet:

  1. From the third stitch from the hook: 5 hdc, raglan, 5 hdc, raglan, 10 hdc, raglan, 5 hdc, raglan, 3 hdc, ch (skip one stitch), 1 hdc (50)
  2. 2 ch for lifting, 7 hdc, raglan, 9 hdc, raglan, 14 hdc, raglan, 9 hdc, raglan, 7 hdc (60)
  3. 2 ch for lifting, 9 hdc, raglan, 13 hdc, raglan, 18 hdc, raglan, 13 hdc, raglan, 9 hdc (82)
  4. 2 ch for lifting, 11 hdc, raglan, 17 hdc, raglan, 22 hdc, raglan, 17 hdc, raglan, 11 hdc (98)
  5. 2 ch for lifting, 14 hdc, connect hdc in the next raglan where the ch is, 27 hdc, connect hdc in the next raglan, 12 hdc, ch for lifting, skip 1 stitch, 1 hdc (56)
  6. 2 ch for lifting, 56 hdc
  7. 2 ch for lifting, 12 hdc, inc, 1 hdc, inc, 26 hdc, inc, 1 hdc, inc, 12 hdc (60)
  8. 2 ch for lifting, 60 hdc
  9. 2 ch for lifting, 12 hdc, inc, 28 hdc, inc, 13 hdc, ch, skip 1 stitch, 1 hdc (62)
  10. 2 ch for lifting, 62 hdc, close the round
  11. 2 ch for lifting, 62 inc dc (124)
    12-15. 2 ch for lifting, 124 dc

Decorate with ribbons, frills.

by Olga Gaevskaya @toys_by_volshebstvo_petelek.

With modifications by @budnikova_toys.


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