You are currently viewing Amigurumi Easter Bunny Free Pattern

Amigurumi Easter Bunny Free Pattern

R 2: (inc) repeat 6 times [12]
R 3-4: 12 sc (2 rows)
R 5: (2 sc, dec) repeat 3 times [9]
R 6: 9 sc
R 7: (1 sc, dec) repeat 3 times (6)
R 8: 6 sc
Fold the top opening flat and 3 sc through both sides.
Fasten off.

Arms and legs (make 4):

R 1: 2 ch, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook [6]
R 2: (1 sc, inc) repeat 3 times [9]
R 3-4: 9 sc (2 rows)
R 5: (1 sc, dec) repeat 3 times [6]
R 6: 6 sc
Fold the top opening flat and 3 sc through both sides.
Fasten off.


R 1: 2 ch, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook [6]
R 2: 6 sc
R 3: (1 sc, dec) repeat 2 times [4]
Sl st, fasten off.


Sew ears to the head between R 1 and R 4.
Sew arms on R 9 of the body.
Sew legs to the body.
Sew tail to the body between R 15 and R 17.
Embroider eye brows and mouth.


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Libda Nyseth

    These are great patterns. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Cori Hughes

    When do you start stuffing the bunny and are the arms, legs and ears stuffed

  3. Cori

    I’m making the bunny. When do I stuff the body and are the arms, legs and ears stuffed

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